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  • stojanov2

    Meet the Researchers: Tomislav Stojanov

    What does it take to secure a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship? Everyone's path to their Fellowship is different. Ka Man Parkinson from the EURAXESS UK team spoke to current grantee Tomislav Stojanov to hear about his academic journey from Croatia to the UK, as well as his...
  • leila_moura_2

    Meet the Scientist: Dr Leila Moura

    By Ciarán Gibson   Dr Leila Moura is a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow based at Queen’s University Belfast who first came to this corner of the UK through a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship in 2016. I recently had the pleasure to speak with Dr Moura and hear her story...
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    Meet the Scientist: Vivian Petersen Wagner

    By Ciarán Gibson   This week I was delighted to have the opportunity to speak with Vivian Petersen Wagner, a research fellow at the University of Sheffield’s School of Dentistry. Vivian successfully applied for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Fellowship in 2020 and after an initial...
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    New resources and guidance: Talent Management

    New EURAXESS collaborative outcomes on Gender Equality, Recruitment, Social Media and Career Stories Over the last year, teams from EURAXESS have worked on topical themes to bring together expertise from different countries with innovative methods, relating to ‘Talent Management’, covering areas...
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    New route for international students to the UK open for applications

    On 1 July, the UK government announced a new Graduate route for international students.The Graduate route provides an opportunity for international students who have been awarded their degree to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill level for 2 years, or 3 years for doctoral...
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    Newton Fund experiences in China

    One of the many programmes we promote via the Euraxess portal is the Newton Fund. The Newton Fund promotes the economic development and welfare in partnering countries, through science and innovation partnerships. It aims to strengthen science and innovation capacity and unlock further funding to...
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    Q&A with British Council Women in STEM Scholar Masoma Hassani

    On International Women’s Day, we take this opportunity to celebrate women in STEM. Today we shine a spotlight on British Council Women in STEM Scholar Masoma Hassani from Afghanistan who is studying Public Health and Health Promotion at Brunel University. Masoma shares her story of leaving her...