Research in the UK

The UK currently takes part in world leading research as part of government and industry driven initiatives.
By moving to the UK you will have the opportunity to take part in exciting research in various disciplines and gain further knowledge from our many research archives and resources.
Pension & Social Welfare Rights

Start preparing early. Employers and educators will need to check your qualifications and accreditations to ensure they meet the standards needed for work and study in the UK.
Find out why you should get your qualifications officially recognised.
Recognition of Qualifications

Start preparing. Employers and educators will need to check your qualifications and accreditations to ensure they meet the standards needed for work and study in the UK.
Find out why you should get your qualifications officially recognised.

How much should I pay? While you are working in the UK, you are likely to pay tax to HMRC.
Find out how to avoid double taxation on income supplied from your home country and the different taxes in the UK that can affect your daily life.
Intellectual Property Rights

Copyrighting your work. If you perform research which could lead to a patentable or exploitable invention or discovery, you need to know about Intellectual Property Rights in the UK.
Learn how to protect your work through copyright and patents.
Gain new knowledge and skills

Nearly all institutions and companies in the UK invest in training and developing new skills in their researchers and employees.
There are many different routes to career development including mentorship, networking schemes and certified training courses.
UK Government's Great Talent Website

The UK welcomes science, research and tech talent from across the world. There are many reasons to make the move – from exciting opportunities across innovative industries and world-class education offerings, to prioritising a better and more rewarding work-life balance.