Types of funding
Funding sources can differ according to career stage and eligibility criteria can vary between organisations. Be sure to check your eligibility for certain sources before applying.
Travel grants
Travel grants provide funding for researchers to travel to or from the UK for conferences, workshops or short courses. They can also support travel to partner institutions to develop collaborations.
Different schemes will vary according to their requirements, levels of funding and restrictions concerning total or part costs, including the registration fees and travel.
A fellowship is a research opportunity on a temporary or fixed-term contract for researchers who have gained a graduate or postdoctoral qualification. These are usually completed in an institution or involve laboratory-based research in the UK or another country. UK research funders offer support both for UK researchers to work abroad and for international researchers to work in the UK.
International exchanges
Some funding agencies offer support for international events, meetings, conferences or workshops. These may cover a range of subjects, skills, training, networking and knowledge-sharing.
The funding is often aimed at fostering international collaboration through, for example, the exchange of staff or pooling of research findings, or the creation of research networks focused on a specific problem.